Search for Mr. Service Crew

Due to the alignment of the stars and the planetary chorva, I again found myself hanging out at Greenbelt today. I watched Repertory Philippines’ The Boor and The Proposal, a pairing of two funny one-act Chekhovs. It is one of those “just okay” plays I’ve seen, and maybe the more notable and relevant thing to say is that I watched it with hordes of college students (required to watch by their professors, probably friends with the Repertory), peppered with some hunky, juicy, good looking ones!

After the play, while waiting for some friends to arrive, I checked out Coffee Bean — and yes, I think I’m obsessed — to see if Gepoy was there. Take note that this is my fourth straight day to be in Greenbelt, my fourth straight day trying to check out Coffee Bean to get a glimpse of Gepoy my fine looking cutey barista. For the fourth straight day I was disappointed. What a sad day.

So I decided to make up for this disappointment by, with McVie’s inspiration, going back to Blue Ginger to have dinner there with my friends. And yes, ladies and gentlemen, once I again, we were welcomed by the endearing smile of Mr. Nice Guy Cloyd. Bonus was getting to meet his other good looking fellow waiters. Byrone, a swarthy young man was as well built as Cloyd, although on the stockier side. He has a roundier face, and a nice set of teeth that makes him cuter when he smiles. William (called by his fellow waiters “William Hung”) looks like a chinese mestizo, not bad looking at all, also well built, but if you ask me I like Cloyd the best, and Byrone next. If they were part of the menu, I’ll have all of them for “take out.”

My friends teased me that I was on a grand search for the good looking baristas, waiters, all service crews in Metro Manila. And maybe I will do just that. Karirin na! So, the search for Mr. Service Crew is on! (If you have leads, let me know!) for Mr. Service Crew  digg:Search for Mr. Service Crew  spurl:Search for Mr. Service Crew  newsvine:Search for Mr. Service Crew  furl:Search for Mr. Service Crew  reddit:Search for Mr. Service Crew  fark:Search for Mr. Service Crew  Y!:Search for Mr. Service Crew


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5 Responses to “Search for Mr. Service Crew”

  1. mcvie Says:

    I have a friend, his personal “hobby” is to always engage the cutest waiters in a resto and charm them enough so that he can get their names. He doesn’t always advance to getting their numbers though; it depends on the waiter’s reactions. :-)

  2. wednesday Says:

    i also have this hobby of looking to the cutest waiters/service crew/sales staff. there is a very cute waiter at circles in shang makati. his name is ronald. he is assigned at the sushi bar. hope you could check him out mr manila gay guy. was shy to approach him kanina coz ang daming tao.

  3. astroboi Says:

    check out ‘weng santiago’ in seattles timog.. cutie! he has friendster too hehe but too bad hes straight

  4. jeffrey felizardo Says:

    try to visit an italian restaurant in libis and you will see an angelic sexy lloking young service crew…. his name is john paul bello…. as for the italian resto its for you to find out na…

  5. eric Says:

    eto hindi waiter but sales person…
    taga Ralph Lauren Rustans makati…
    ang guapo guapo!!! ang macho macho!!! lalaking lalake!!! mabait!!! hindi homophobic!!!

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