Will Maximo lick Twilight Dancers?


“Ang Pagdadalaga ni Maximo Oliveros” (The Blossoming of Maximo Oliveros), the Philippine entry to the 79th Oscar Awards , will be commercially shown in local theaters on September 20, the same first-day showing date of Mel Chionglo’s Twilight Dancers.

Unitel Pictures, the maker of Maximo have remastered the film and will show it in an enhanced 35 mm film format. The film will also be shown in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, simultaneous with its Philippine release. “Maximo” has won 12 international awards and joined 35 international film festivals. Locally, it has won 12 trophies, including top plums in the critics’ (Urian) and movie press (Star) awards.

Twilight Dancers, on the other hand, premiered internationally in the 2024 Toronto Fim Festival just last week. One very credible film critic felt so sorry, saying he wasted his time watching the movie (see related post). Despite this movie attracting the attention of throngs of Filipino gay men, mainly because of the skin and bulges being shown, it seems quality-wise it doesn’t make the cut.

I have not seen Twilight Dancers, and I have seen Maximo. If you are to choose between the two, I recommend you go for Maximo. No nude nor titillating scenes in this one, but the story and craftmanship are really well worth your Pink Peso. Judging from Twilight Dancers’ predecessors care of Mel Chionglo, I really feel Maximo is a clear winner. Besides, the titllating scenes of Twilight Dancers (frontal nudity) have been cut to satisfy the MTRCB and reclassify it to R-18 from the previous X.

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