Malate Halloween Costume Party

As you can see, those who came in costume really splurged on their clothes and accessories… and so when a camera came in they were just too happy to show off!


And… the Justice League was there too… notice Superman’s cape — sooooo gay! LOL!


Here is a half-naked waiter of O bar, the one below Top and Bottom at the corner of Orosa and Nakpil.

Another waiter … this time from Loo-kal bar, behind O bar.

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3 Responses to “Malate Halloween Costume Party”

  1. Bryz Says:

    was in malate last sat…hopefully more PLUs wud participate in the costume party next halloween celeb… para masaya…

  2. Bryz Says:

    i saw the someone in a virgin mary costume… i think it’s kinda foul…

  3. swedishorgan Says:

    just looking at sam he’s really gay!

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