Diversity in the Gay Community - 2
Is there such a thing as “gay lifestyle”? Its supposed elements — Malate party-going, pill-popping, s*x-partner-swapping, moviehouse-hopping,… are these part of every Manila gay guy’s life? Are gays really deceitful, they buy s*x, they are gossip-mongers, promiscuous, and deep inside: LONELY, pathetic fags?
Listen in, as we end this anniversary special podcast on Diversity in the Gay Community. The audio after the jump!
Podcast is 32 mins and 46 secs long. (If you have not heard the first part of this podcast, you can listen to it here.)
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Hugs and kisses go to Gibbs, McVie, and Tony for participating in the podcast!
MGG readers, tell us, share with us your thoughts!

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- Diversity in the Gay Community
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- Join the Pinoy Gay Bloggers List
- Philippines is Mr. Gay Congeniality
- Are You On MyBlogLog?
- Celebrities and Gay Rumors

September 1st, 2007 at 4:29 pm
sorry. di ako taga-manila. di ako maka-relate. next question please