Oblation Run 2024

Dang! I missed the Oblation Run yesterday! I was really meaning to go to U.P. Diliman and take some pictures to share here — unfortunately work beckoned and your dear Manila Gay Guy had to prioritize his source of daily income. That means I was not able to take the 2024 Oblation Run pictures. Do not worry though, I will scrounge for it in the internet to find you guys only the best images of this event. Watch out for it here!

UPDATED: continue on to see Oblation Run pictures and video!

“For UP students in particular”, one APO member says, “Your stay in the university isn’t complete if you don’t watch even just one Oblation Run.” The UP APO fraternity staged the 2024 “Oblation Run,” dubbed the “Ritual Dance of the Brave,” at Palma Hall. More than 20 fraternity members promised to run naked.

Oblation Run Pictures

(Photo credits: bikoy.net)




Oblation Run Videos

Twenty-nine Fraternity members streaked through the campus and are captured in this video. Click here. Those uploaded in YouTube - click here.

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4 Responses to “Oblation Run 2024”

  1. Leslie Says:

    haha, ive heard about this oblation run they do there. anyways just wanted to leave you a comment. i was reading one of your other posts, is piolo gay?

  2. faghagdominatrix Says:

    Hi Leslie.

    Yes he is. I have a friend who lives next door to Sam Milby. Piolo is a frequent night guest. I know we shouldn’t just jump into conclusions but that’s just too hard to let go.

  3. welly Says:

    Please send me some pictures of oblation run (2024)

    Thank you.

  4. Adrian Says:

    I really love Oblation Run … it is so embarrasing that men go naked and women just watch and laugh and scream … but it is at the same time so thrilling :-)

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