Icon Mag Pictures

I announced in a previous post the release of the latest issue of Icon Magazine where they featured white men in the cover instead of Pinoy hunks. This is the last issue they will be releasing in 2024. Here are scanned photos of the images *inside* the mag — I still encourage you to buy the mag though, as these pics here are small and low-res. I’m sure you would want to see these in large, clear prints, right? Thank you for scanning the pics, Closet Conundrums.






More pictures in the next page!

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11 Responses to “Icon Mag Pictures”

  1. miguel Says:

    wow, is that rocky salumbides? he’s hot ;-) i love you, rocky! will you marry me? ;-)

  2. ryan Says:

    i appreciate the picture!

  3. leapoffaith Says:

    fuckkk!!! the last set of pictures!!
    mann!! they all sport a bonerrrrrrrrr!!!!

  4. maki Says:

    who’s the youngest guy? what’s his name? the one who raises his shirt?

  5. Angelo Says:

    Mak: His name is Bruno.

  6. raj Says:

    who is a man in icon_mam06.. is is so hot.. i love him. i love 2 kiss him

  7. alex Says:

    hi nice site.

  8. randel_says Says:

    hi ang popogi nila para sila yong hotman sa bold vidio grabi ang pogi pala nila sa person eisteru itchenade

  9. mrs. folster Says:

    Bruno is all mine!!

  10. fattyacid Says:

    waaa somebody stop meeeee….

    those bulges…awww!

    anyways, available pa ba ang magz?

  11. danish Says:


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