Jupit, the gay digital movie

I watched Jupit today at SM Megamall (it’s showing only in SM digital cinemas). I was so looking forward to it, after that last digital movie I watched, the disastrous Hada. Here’s what I can share about the movie.

Jupit is a notable and very entertaining Filipino digital movie. Its entertainment value rivals, and even surpasses, many mainstream commercial Filipino comedy movies.

Ate Gay is "Tetay" in JupitThe story revolves around the life of good-natured Tetay, a gay parlorista (translation: works in a beauty parlor). Tetay’s beauty parlor is completed with 2 other characters, Rica and Jopay, Tetay’s sidekick parloristas. Mona (or Ramon) is the owner of a small eatery on the same street as Tetay’s beauty parlor. Despite his sexual preference, Mona has a wife and young daughter. Tetay, Rica, Jopay, and Mona are the main, all-gay protagonists of Jupit.

The main plot is Tetay’s love story with good looking Glenn. Glenn is the typical Am-boy (half-Filipino, half-American) and a newcomer in Tetay’s neighborhood. Many subplots are tackled in the movie, mostly revolving around the challenges and idiosyncrasies of gay life — more specific to the parlorista-type. Most scenes are funny, thank you to the actors’ perfect comedic timing (perhaps honed by the actors’ stage experience, i.e. in comedy bars), however the subplots do lend some dramatic moments. In one scene, a parlor customer asks Tetay, “Bakit ba ang mga bakla laging masaya, laging nagjo-joke,… umiiyak din ba kayo?” (”Why are gays always happy, and cracking jokes all the time… do you gays cry?”) Scene then cuts to Tetay wiping a tear from his/her right cheek. Owh.

While the movie suffers the limitations of digital technology (colors are not as vibrant, sometimes washed out), the actors’ fabulous acting, witty lines, good music, and the story’s innate entertainment value make Jupit a gay movie worth watching.


Ryan Forbes - Tetay's ex-boyfriend

Ryan Forbes plays Junix, Tetay’s tricycle driver ex-boyfriend. He was 2nd Runner Up in Kouros 2005 Male Model Search. (Photo courtesy of www.mabuhaybeauties.com)

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5 Responses to “Jupit, the gay digital movie”

  1. jimmy bacud Says:

    i dont know what to say.. hahahah

  2. rodelle Says:

    is it showing until now? darn, i am so out of this world. i would wanna see this with my gf. sure she’ll love this movie..

  3. manila gay guy Says:

    rodelle, i doubt if this movie is still showing… maybe you can catch it on dvd instead.

  4. alvin reyes fortuno/ director of JUPIT Says:

    Thanks MGG for your nice review on our film JUPIT. I’m very glad you enjoyed watching it and so with the others who’ve seen it. It is now available in DVD and VCD for those who haven’s seen the film yet.The film was also considered for the Netherlands Transgender Film Festival this May. Again, MGG thank you very much.

  5. Pink Saturdays in UP Diliman | manila gay guy Says:

    […] Next for Pink Saturdays: Boys Don’t Cry, When Night Is Falling, In and Out, Jupit and […]

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