The Royal Washboard Abs

Guess whose washboard abs this is…

Prince Harry

It’s Prince Harry’s! Yes, Princess Diana’s younger son. Gosh, what a bloody sexy lad!

Plus: look at such naughty hands! What are you holding down there, my prince? Hehehe!



And in trunks… (click to enlarge)
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10 Responses to “The Royal Washboard Abs”

  1. zizou Says:

    just a few years ago…who could’ve thought that Harry would whore all the hotness among the siblings?.. hehehe..i don’t find William that appealing…he’s cute…but cute is different..

  2. Jerome aka Bridget Jones Says:

    hey, migs! whatta bloody surprise! imagine little harry not little anymore (wink-wink). thanks for dropping by. let’s exchange links, dahlin. and i assure you, you are gonna find your mark darcy…

    spread the love!

  3. br0wn_c0w Says:

    Mukhang naughty ‘tong si Prince Harry hahahha!

  4. drklght Says:

    hahaha! yun lang …

  5. marman04041975 Says:

    yummmmmy!!!! pakagat, jeje

  6. rommel Says:

    dati si william ang panalo who wouldve thought si harry pala ang wagi.. go harietta!!!

  7. bubbles Says:

    how do i post pics here?

  8. mouthworxz Says:

    i think our prince is having a royal itch!

  9. titit Says:

    hay naku, tao din sila noh, nangangati din.. kahit dun….lumalandi nga rin eh.

  10. rodier Says:

    gusto kong maging prinsesa!

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