Doug Kramer getting hitched!


Doug Kramer and Cheska Garcia are getting married in October 2008. So while there’s time, here’s Doug for you. Want more? Click here and here.

His photo above (courtesy of Vince Lopez) reminds me of my own Mr. Basketball Player. The stocky athletic built, the big muscular thighs, the facial stubles, and the sharp penetrating look, whew! Kramer getting hitched!  digg:Doug Kramer getting hitched!  spurl:Doug Kramer getting hitched!  newsvine:Doug Kramer getting hitched!  furl:Doug Kramer getting hitched!  reddit:Doug Kramer getting hitched!  fark:Doug Kramer getting hitched!  Y!:Doug Kramer getting hitched!


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12 Responses to “Doug Kramer getting hitched!”

  1. dyan Says:

    yucky yuck

  2. Q Says:

    Oooh… Bilis niya ah. He just graduated.

  3. Kai Says:

    dont likey

  4. ernesto Says:

    Cheska Garcia is lucky to have this basketball hunk

  5. Joey Says:

    Yes master Doug, tame me.

  6. Quentin X Says:

    I love the hipster trunk. What brand are they?

  7. mildmannered Says:

    he’s bobo daw?

  8. Nicolo Says:


  9. kyowkou Says:

    this guy has a price. f u want to get him u have to be very rich to afford him.

  10. peter pan Says:

    parang may taba na sya sa tagiliran he he. He looked better when he was younger (student days, that is).

  11. tonyboy Says:

    yucky! if you saw him in the recent be bench finals, he was super mataba,…hairy monster…. that’s not the body of a model….more of a bouncer in a casino….why are pinoys so hilig sa tisoy…yuck!

  12. blue_harajuku Says:

    ok….. next!

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