Tara Na, Volunteer Na!

Wag nang magmaganda, wag nang magpatumpik-tumpik pa!

The LGBT community needs your help!

The organizers of the 2007 Pride March in Manila need people who can help mobilize resources and widen community participation during the march. The tasks are simple - going around organizations, bars and establishments to encourage them to join the Pride March, helping in fund-raising activities, and saturating the internet with promotion materials on the LGBT Pride March.

During the March itself, marshals are needed for crowd management. Individuals willing to stay in the booth or carry the banners are also welcome.

So if you have extra time, please consider volunteering for the Pride March. If you’re interested to help, please the organizers immediately.


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4 Responses to “Tara Na, Volunteer Na!”

  1. tita glo Says:

    who’s the model? rafael rosel?

  2. eponine Says:

    oh yeah i have heard about this.

    yummy rafael on the photo. ano yan? celebrity guest sa march? hehe i like his facial… facial hair hehe.

  3. kai Says:

    GO PRIDE!!!!!
    Rafael Rosell’s hottest pic.. or maybe one of them lang..

  4. xoxo Says:

    if only i could go to that march. oh well, i have a lot of things adn appointments to attend to. :)

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