Samsung or Sony Ericsson?

I’m itching for a new cellphone — I want to replace my rinky-dinky, super low-end Nokia phone (black and white display, no camera). I have two main criteria in mind: (1) slim, easy to lug around, can fit in my pocket without me looking like I have a soap bar inside my pants; and (2) it has a built-in camera that produces respectable enough images — especially so I can blog more images.

I researched on the web, then went to SM Megamall, looked around, and looked around, here are my top 2 phone choices:

1. Samsung SGH X820
2. Sony Ericsson K800i

Samsung SGH X820

Samsung SGH X820

Samsung SGH X820
Pro: At Php13,900 — much cheaper; slimmer, cool factor
Con: Smaller screen display; at 2 MP, less megapixel count; while slimmer, it is wider and longer

Sony Ericsson K800i

Sony Ericsson K800i

Sony Ericsson K800i
Pro: At Php21,900 — quite expensive. Most stores actually sell it at Php29,000.
Con: Better camera, bigger screen display

I have both used a Samsung and a Sony Ericsson for mobile phones before so I have no qualms using either. But for now, based on my previously stated criteria, it seems that the Sony Ericsson K800i would be better for me.

What do you think? or Sony Ericsson?  digg:Samsung or Sony Ericsson?  spurl:Samsung or Sony Ericsson?  newsvine:Samsung or Sony Ericsson?  furl:Samsung or Sony Ericsson?  reddit:Samsung or Sony Ericsson?  fark:Samsung or Sony Ericsson?  Y!:Samsung or Sony Ericsson?


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9 Responses to “Samsung or Sony Ericsson?”

  1. ericsson Says:

    yeah, you bet!!!!

  2. ericsson Says:

    k800i rocks!!!

  3. manila gay guy Says:

    hehe. i actually am now a proud owner of a Samsung SGH X820 :)

  4. manila gay guy Says:

    kulang ako sa budget eh hehehe!

  5. Talanos Says:

    go for the samsung x820. i own 1 too and its handy. *wink*

  6. giodude Says:

    you know what, as a self proclaimed gadget guru.. i’d have you go for the sony ericsson k800i..;)

  7. wonderer Says:

    sayang! sana SE na lang binili mo.. xD pero samsung is cool rin. xD

  8. joel Says:

    go for SE K800i, that’s my phone unit, the best camera phone available so far!!!! functionality meets class!!!

  9. ERNESTO Says:


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