Today I Start Going to the Gym

Recently, I signed an 18-month contract with Fitness First. And today will be my first day in the gym. As I embark on this new journey of self-beautification (hehehe!), I share this inspirational piece from a certain Sunita Singhi.


As Lao-Tzu said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” So what if that first step is a little painful?

You see, if you want to accomplish something, there are two kinds of pain you might encounter: the pain of discipline and the pain of regret.

Whenever you take that first step toward a new goal, you often experience the pain of discipline: the pain of hard work, the pain of sacrifice, as you single-mindedly pursue your dream.

On the other hand, if you don’t go after your dreams, you might experience an even greater type of pain: the pain of staying stuck, which eventually turns into the pain of regret.

Remember, as Sydney J. Harris wrote, “Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.”

When you’re really ready to make a change in your life, you’ll find, as writer Anaiis Nin did, that the “risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

The great thing about discipline is if you discipline yourself on a daily basis, eventually something “magical” will happen, almost without your realizing it-one day, the discipline will turn into desire.

A runner who “makes” herself run on a daily basis, one day gets up “wanting” to run. The same holds true for writing, public speaking, or anything else.

So today, start that project, make that call, do what you need to do to begin. Here’s a guarantee: If you work through a little pain, you’ll see a little progress. I Start Going to the Gym  digg:Today I Start Going to the Gym  spurl:Today I Start Going to the Gym  newsvine:Today I Start Going to the Gym  furl:Today I Start Going to the Gym  reddit:Today I Start Going to the Gym  fark:Today I Start Going to the Gym  Y!:Today I Start Going to the Gym


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9 Responses to “Today I Start Going to the Gym”

  1. MAC_afr0 Says:

    yahooo!! welcome to the club! :)

  2. Bryz Says:

    go… go… migs!!!! aku give up na… my market value wont go up even if i go to the gym hehehehe….

  3. jonat Says:

    glad to hear you getting out of your couch.

    its not going to be easy but its the consistency that makes everything worthwhile (as well as cutting down on carbs when the sun goes down and mixing weight training and cardio after getting a physical assessment)

    its not just your body that gets fit but one’s mind as well.

  4. Migs Says:

    thanks Mac_afro, Bryz, Jonat. I just came from the gym today… kapagod, pero ang sarap ng feeling! hehehe! to beautification — and beyond!!!

  5. deviant Says:

    hi there! sang fitness first branch ka? sa RS Makati kasi ako. katamad nga eh kasi wala akong kasabay mag-gym. oh well. :(

  6. sean Says:

    If you like, I can give you pointers on the best work out programs…keep in touch pare…09159353355

  7. neon Says:

    how much daw po ung magiging expenses?

  8. rj Says:

    maraming karir sa FF RSC haha.. :)

  9. heya Says:

    hei migz, sang branch ka nagwowokrout?

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