Year-end Reflection

As the year 2006 comes to a close, I would like to share with you some of the thoughts that come to mind, which for me are points to ponder, material for further reflection, and sort of a year-end summary of lessons from this university called Life.

#1: Life is indeed beautiful.

This 2006, I saw relationships start, grow, grow some more, wilt, and die. Underneath the roller coaster emotions, there is always something good we can find in each of these. Achievements have not been lacking as well, both at work, in my personal life, and including this blog. This year, I had the opportunity to visit several countries — and I say just by this I’ve learned so much, especially in embracing diversity, and always keeping an open mind. There have been so many blessings, and life indeed is beautiful.

#2: Share.

Starting with the people closest to me, to the people I never even thought I would interact with — I tried to share myself (don’t get green on me, this is supposedly a serious post! hehehe!). And you know what? I tell you, sharing one’s self makes life worth living. It gives it relevance, significance. My family has always been a constant opportunity for me to share myself — through material and non-material things. I have also had a chance to help some communities in need. And this year, most notably, I started this blog, which I think has opened up for me a great big opportunity to share myself and my experiences to many more people, especially those of my kind.

#3: Take time to ponder.

It has always been my habit since time immemorial to go back and reflect on past events, always in search of the lessons I could learn from such happenings. It has worked for me. So as a fitting ending, I’d like to share this nugget — take time to ponder. For some people it may not be easy but the rewards are great. I encourage you to once in a while, get out of yourself, take a step back and view situations outside yourself. In the same way, from time to time, do what you must to give yourself the opportunity to go inside yourself, deeper, and more honest. In both these cases, you will help yourself best if you do not take yourself too seriously. Years make us older, yet pondering and reflection make us more mature.

Have a very happy 2007 everyone — all the best to all of us!!! Reflection  digg:Year-end Reflection  spurl:Year-end Reflection  newsvine:Year-end Reflection  furl:Year-end Reflection  reddit:Year-end Reflection  fark:Year-end Reflection  Y!:Year-end Reflection


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9 Responses to “Year-end Reflection”

  1. ciana Says:

    happy new year you guys.,

  2. prizhottie Says:

    happy new year migs

  3. euges Says:

    Happy happy New Year to all !!!!
    Migs, you so lucky. You Family must be mighty proud of you. Agree ako sa lahat ng mga sinabi sinulat mo. You are an inspiration. Thanks a lot for sharing!!
    Type kita ma meet in person.

  4. Migs Says:

    Thanks ciana, prizhottie, and euges!

  5. mandayamoore Says:

    happy new year migs. will continue reading you in 2007

  6. tito arms Says:

    ciao migs,
    May God’s grace and blessing flood you, overtake you and overwhelm you in 2007. May His will and your dreams come to fulfillment. May your life be a blessing to HIM, His people and the rest of your world…. A BLESSED NEW YEAR TO YOU AND TO ALL THE PERSONS WHO READ YOUR BLOGS!!!!
    tanti baci da roma e ti abbraccio forte!

  7. Kris Aquino Says:

    yeah..happy new year miggs..thanks a lot for touching our lives…

  8. dats07 Says:

    HAPPY NEW YEAR MIGS!! and to all of us wishin’ the best for 2007

  9. Bryz Says:

    happy new year migs…

    ang saya ko at nadiscover ko tong blog mo last year pati yung ke phanks…

    kayu mga defacto mentors ko hahahaha

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