Caleruega and Reflection Time


While Manny Pacquiao was pulverizing Erik Morales on their third battle, I together with 4 other friends were in Caleruega, just off Tagaytay, in Barangay Kaylaway, Batulao, Nasugbu, Batangas. Caleruega never miss to touch me everytime I visit it, and the first time was some 5 or 6 years ago.


I used to regularly go to Caleruega to relax and unwind — frequently on weekends, I would drive that stretch from Manila to Tagaytay on an early morning, stop by “Mega Petron” (there were no Shell and Caltex yet along South Super Hi-way then), and as soon as I get off Tagaytay into Nasugbu, upon turning left from the main road into Evercrest Hotel, my mood changes. I knew that I was about to start a day-long “relax” period. With a book, I would spend the day in Caleruega. My favorite spot was that area overlooking the rolling hills on the left side of the Resurrection Chapel. On a bench nestled among lush greens and brightly colored flowers, I lose myself on the book, and for those precious moments all worries fade away. It was not just quiet time — it was personal enrichment and reflection time. Wow, sorry for getting poetic and somewhat serious– that’s really just an after effect of Caleruega on me.

Reflect, Ponder

While my visits this year have been few and far between, I can say Caleruega still never miss on touching me that way — serious, slightly melancholic — and pushing me to reflect a bit more, to ponder a bit more.

Gays don’t have to be lively and cheerful, and loud and colorful all the time. Some quiet reflection time can do a lot of good every now and then. (In fact, I encourage you try it out.) Thanks to Caleruega, it has helped me to do that, yes, even just once in a while.

How to get there

You may download the location map here. From Tagaytay’s Rotonda, drive in the direction of Nasugbu, Batangas (that’s the road beside the 7-11 near the Rotonda). Just go straight, it is approximately 15-20 minutes drive from the Rotonda, after passing the “Welcome to Nasugbu” arch, notice the entrance to Evercrest hotel to your left. Enter through that entrance, go straight, you will pass the Bosconian Chapel on the Hill on your left. At the dead end, turn right, and go straight for about 2 minutes and you’re there! Entrance is Php20.00 per person.

More Pictures of Caleruega can be found here. and Reflection Time  digg:Caleruega and Reflection Time  spurl:Caleruega and Reflection Time  newsvine:Caleruega and Reflection Time  furl:Caleruega and Reflection Time  reddit:Caleruega and Reflection Time  fark:Caleruega and Reflection Time  Y!:Caleruega and Reflection Time


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8 Responses to “Caleruega and Reflection Time”

  1. jex Says:

    this article is great. makes me contemplate about things.

  2. estanbul_roffa Says:

    wow looks like a postcard. very relaxing i bet, i wish i could go there too

  3. br0wn_c0w Says:

    Shucks, I wanna go there!

  4. rj Says:

    i hope you can give us some more particulars in getting to the place.. i’d really love to go there this coming weekend.. thanks in advance.

  5. Migs Says:

    Hi RJ! Glad you’re interested to go there too… i’ll update the post to indicate how to get to the place.

  6. JP Says:

    I loved it at Caleruega…although I had a tough time pronouncing the place’s name. It was so beautiful and so calm and peaceful. You really get a chance to reflect on a lot of things. Definitely one of the highlights of our trip to Tagaytay.

  7. jovi Says:

    been there last 2003 for our senior year retreat..since then, i’ve been missing it terribly. i wish i can commute to go there.:) nice entry!:)

  8. ante Says:

    do they accomodate overnight stay? if so… how much? :D

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