Reggie Curley’s Striptease


Wanna see model-turned-actor Reggie Curley do a striptease? Your wish is my command! Hehehe! He’s such a papable daddy-daddy! (Don’t you think his pic above is so vintage? Hehe!)






I guess he can only get that far! Hehehe…

BONUS: Papa Reggie dons a see-through brief that shows his bubble behind!



LAST ONE: here he shows it bare! :)

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17 Responses to “Reggie Curley’s Striptease”

  1. chad Says:

    sadya bang lalo niyang pina-roughen ang looks niya? para kasing sumobra. pangit na. he looks like your typical hobo na old and haggard. :( but yum yum nice butt sa last pic!

  2. ganda Says:


  3. aeriol09 Says:

    great crush ko talaga sya grabe ang yummy nya!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Lyka Bergen Says:

    Balbonic Plague ang Papa! Lyk!

  5. Joey Says:

    he cannot be under estimated. he has a huge dong, i swear!

  6. chriscapade Says:

    pwede na…

  7. Kaleena Says:

    Para syang monkey. Pero bakit parang tayong- tayo ang ti*i nya dun sa striptease pics?

  8. astroboi Says:

    super papa-licous!!!

  9. braggy_man Says:

    my ultimate crush….looks so yummy.

  10. rigore Says:

    he looked like a more masculine sam milby

  11. monsour abraham Says:

    he is nice…

  12. debra Says:

    guys , kapatid naten yan. silahis…

  13. blu-angel855 Says:

    To debra: are you sure na silahis sya?baka ikaw my friend??????????hahahaha

  14. Prince Monsour Abraham Says:

    kisihodang silahis fa sya wala akong kibir! hmn,laman tiyan na yan mga kafatid!hala,sobo na!

  15. Prince Monsour Abraham Says:

    opss!wait,hmn,que ricura adorava sentir…buenisimo…nice ass…

  16. huntertroy Says:

    Papa reggie macho nya sobra. ah, drool.

  17. Calvin Says:

    nice butt! :D but i don’t like old and hairy men… :(

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