More Cosmomen!

September 3rd, 2007 - Posted on September 3rd, 2007

More, more, more! Yes, I hear you — so here’s more of the Cosmopolitan Hunks, from Cosmomen September 2007 issue. All rise for these fine, fine hunks! Presenting… Alfred Vargas, Jon Avila (Mullaly), Luke Jickain, and Paolo Paraiso!

Alfred Vargas (more Alfred)
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I got a Braziliano Praia!

September 3rd, 2007 - Posted on September 3rd, 2007


Someone gifted me with a Braziliano Praia!
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“I want to be normal!”

September 2nd, 2007 - Posted on September 2nd, 2007

Mark of Cebu is one confused guy. He says, “I wish I was just normally gay, or normally guy.” His email below shows the extent of his confusion, and how I wish he perseveres through the stage he currently is in, and come out a stronger, and overall better person. MGG readers, please read on, and be generous with sharing your thoughts. And for those who are going through something similar as Mark, I hope you feel strengthened knowing that there are other guys who are going through the same predicament as you are, and that there are people in this supposedly cruel world who are kind enough to listen, and give a piece of their mind on the matter. World Peace!

* * *

Hi Migs,

First of all, I am sorry if I have to use a bogus email account. It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s just that the thought of coming out makes me sweat to some extent.
Being the Manilagayguy, I hope you could shed some light to my dilemma. By the way, you can call me Mark of Cebu (not my real name). I am now 23 years old and I am definitely at the crossroads, I am definite I am gay, to some point yes. (whether bi or not, I don’t know just yet).
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More Cosmopolitan Hunks

September 2nd, 2007 - Posted on September 2nd, 2007

And the hunkfest continues with the glistening bodies of hunky Fred Payawan, Marvin Raymundo, and Derek Ramsey!
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Cosmomen Hunkfest

September 1st, 2007 - Posted on September 1st, 2007

And so the floodgates have been opened! It’s raining, pouring, squirting men all over! Here are some of the photos from Cosmopolitan Magazine’s 69 Bachelors and Centerfolds 2007. Are you ready?
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Dingdong: look, no more pacifiers!

September 1st, 2007 - Posted on September 1st, 2007


An update on the controversial Dingdong Dantes nips issue
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Diversity in the Gay Community - 2

September 1st, 2007 - Posted on September 1st, 2007


Is there such a thing as “gay lifestyle”? Its supposed elements — Malate party-going, pill-popping, s*x-partner-swapping, moviehouse-hopping,… are these part of every Manila gay guy’s life? Are gays really deceitful, they buy s*x, they are gossip-mongers, promiscuous, and deep inside: LONELY, pathetic fags?

Listen in, as we end this anniversary special podcast on Diversity in the Gay Community. The audio after the jump!
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Foot Tapping = Cruising for Sex?

September 1st, 2007 - Posted on September 1st, 2007

foot-tap.jpg In an article by ABC News talking about Larry Craig, a US senator who was arrested for an alleged sex offense, I quote:

…there is a secret world of sex between men that exists in public places across the country… Public places like men’s restrooms, in airports and train stations, truck stops, university libraries and parks, have long been places where gay and bisexual men, particularly those in the closet, congregate in order to meet for anonymous sex.

Then about this secret signal: foot tapping
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