Presenting Cafe Bola Boy

Caramel-skinned, cute smile, and great, great service. Presenting, Cafe Bola Boy of Greenbelt 3. He was the waiter who served us tonight my super favorite Kamias Shake. It was sweeter and more refreshing this time, perhaps because the waiter is so cute? He-he-he! I never got to know his name (I’m a shy guy) but I was able to snap his photos using my cellphone. He’s not that tall — maybe 5′7″ or 5′8″ — but with his endearing smile, definitely worthy a second, third, fourth,… look. The type who grows on you. Haaay….

Cafe Bola Boy Cafe Bola Boy

Sorry I could not get a closer pic — pa-discreet pa ang lolo ninyo. Cafe Bola Boy  digg:Presenting Cafe Bola Boy  spurl:Presenting Cafe Bola Boy  newsvine:Presenting Cafe Bola Boy  furl:Presenting Cafe Bola Boy  reddit:Presenting Cafe Bola Boy  fark:Presenting Cafe Bola Boy  Y!:Presenting Cafe Bola Boy


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12 Responses to “Presenting Cafe Bola Boy”

  1. peterpic Says:

    you know, i actually remember the guy. and he is terribly cute in a very unique way. although he seems incurably straight.

    the people i was with at that time were very aggressively flirtatious (though harmless unless provoked, hehehehe) and he/they seem to know how to positively respond to amorous advances from our kind.

    i wonder if anyone has gotten lucky with him…

  2. Migs Says:

    wow i’m so honored to be visited by the famous peterpic :) thanks! and yes, cafe bola boy seems to be straight as a rod. which makes the conquest much more exciting… hehehe!

  3. justin Says:

    hi friends help me naman im looking for guy escort yun gwapo at magaling pls help me email ko

  4. manilabynight Says:

    I saw the photo but altho he isn’t my type, he looks kind of interesting. I wonder if there are any hunk and bodybuilder types out there in the areas you visit. ;)

  5. Migs Says:

    hi manilabynight! don’t worry i will be on the look out for those! yan pala ang mga type mo ha, bato-bato! by the way, what’s your location? aren’t you in manila?

  6. shocker Says:

    there were actually a few really handsome waiters in gbelt’s cafe bola. don’t know where they all went to. may isa, parang puputok na yung katawan niya sa shirt niya.

  7. fernie Says:

    i saw him last friday!!! i think afternoon shift siya. he leaves cafe bola at around 6pm. gosh, he’s cute and hot! i don’t like the sound of his voice though, it’s too nasal-ish. he’s yummy though. :D sayang walang name plates ang mga waiters in cafe bola 3.

  8. Jose Manilla Says:

    I think the waiters at Cafe Bola Araneta are hotter. Check out the crew at closing - even the cook named Arnel is pretty hot!

  9. lez Says:

    i have a bad expirience in this resto.. cafe bola sa gateway!!! ang bagal ng service, tpos they are all maniac looks… paging manager of cafe bola gateway branch..
    mnsan ang pnababayaran lng nila ice tea.. totoo un.. pag mga barkada nila ang customer..

  10. Lint Says:

    I want to come to Philippines soon and I want to have gay filipino to be with every moment. Can this be possibly arranged?

  11. Lint Says:

    I am planning on coming to Manila right before July of this year.. Let me have gay filipino friend to be with every moment.

  12. Lint Says:

    I think we can be friends….Im gay, check my site at multiply:

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