Troika Artistic Nudes

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Once every blue moon, I find nudes that are indeed works of art. The Troika Coffee Table Book is one compilation of such images. (And it incidentally features MGG favorite, Janvier Daily!) When the magazine first came out, sometime after the movie that inspired it, it had very limited distribution. Now, it is available at all Filbars and Papyvore outlets. Let me give you a sampling in this post.

Troika (A Celebration of Threesomes, special edition) is a compilation of artistic nudes by Doc Marlon Pecjo. Models include Mara Altiera, Jamil Basa, Josh Ivan Morales, Janvier Daily, Sachie Sanders, Kai Laurel, Ina Cabrera, Randolf Dungo, Michael Hoo, Angela Sarino, Julio Martino, and Eleizette Burce. Ihman Esturco stood as Creative Director of the photoshoot.

Here’s a sampling of the images Troika Special Edition contains:




Janvier Daily is the guy on the rightmost in these 3 photos.

Note: This coffee table book is in magazine form, yet the contents indeed follow the coffee table book pattern — very visual and a minimal sprinkling of texts here and there. It costs Php 500 per copy. Artistic Nudes  digg:Troika Artistic Nudes  spurl:Troika Artistic Nudes  newsvine:Troika Artistic Nudes  furl:Troika Artistic Nudes  reddit:Troika Artistic Nudes  fark:Troika Artistic Nudes  Y!:Troika Artistic Nudes


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