More About Migs

As committed, here are more answers to submitted questions for Migs. Warning: this podcast is a little bit more serious — listen at your own risk! Hehehe!

Here in this podcast, I answer questions regarding things that I draw life satisfaction from, my schools, my persona, and, as always, world peace!

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15 Responses to “More About Migs”

  1. Misterhubs Says:

    Fascinating podcast as always. I hope you keep doing answers-to-questions stuff like this.

  2. Luo lan Says:

    Thanks for sharing your views in life. Take care ;)

  3. Migs Says:

    Salamat, Misterhubs and Luo Ian! *blush* hehehe! World Peace!

  4. rj_mostwanted Says:

    perfect. hope to listen to more podcasts from you!

  5. ian Says:

    hi migs, your thoughts are very inspiring and insightful. i know many of us can relate. :) keep it up! :)

  6. josh Says:

    AGain, a piece of Migs, and we still want more (lol). thnx migs, for everything :)

  7. taylor Says:

    it’s funny how your style of writing doesn’t fit to the tone and manner of speaking. parang napaka formal and serious yung podcast mo…is that your real voice or medyo trying ng konti to sound straight and butch?
    nevertheless, i luv your site and i enjoy reading it. having lived in canada for over 20 years, it makes me feel in tune to the manila gay life. in fact,i am coming home this october to check things out and possibly live there for awhile.thanks much, migs

  8. Raymond Says:

    Thanks for sharing, Migs. Don’t be afraid to put a bit more of yourself into the site. Your 7,000 (and counting…) fans will thank you for it.

  9. dan Says:

    im teary eyed… :p

  10. fattyacid Says:

    gosh migs your voice…i am so with you na.

    you’re one profound thinker and i really want to meet you someday.

    well, i am just your average gay guy and hopefully i will not bore you to death coz i can be a sucker at times especially when i am with a guy who knows how to play with my senses. (i bet you can!)

    btw, migs, what makes you blush?

  11. Ian Says:

    Mmmm - sexy, seductive voice!

  12. blueharajuku Says:

    clearing out na voice mo migs hehehehe..

  13. ralph Says:

    I’m assuming that you have chosen my question to answer in your podcast. I never really thought that it would be picked up from among those many questions. I post that question because i am curious about your persona and the best way of knowing a person is meeting him personally. Worry not migs, as you said it would just be a friendly meeting.

  14. khentutz Says:

    thanks for the share migz.:)

  15. pio Says:

    Hi Migs!

    I was saving your podcast and found out it was “putol”! Can you kindly e-mail me the complete version of your podcast? Kindly e-mail it to me. Please please please? Thanks!

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