Samsung Metrowear Hunks

July 20th, 2007 - Posted on July 20th, 2007

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Barkading, barkadang bading

July 20th, 2007 - Posted on July 20th, 2007


They start young, huh? Is there such a thing as being too young to be gay? What do you think?


July 20th, 2007 - Posted on July 20th, 2007

It was a typical busy work day at the office, people running around, while I was trying my best to concentrate on my Outlook Inbox, reading e-mails and making sure I liquidate all to-do items. My goal: a clean slate by the end of the day. Then, an email popped in. It was from Arnie. A forwarded business FYI email; some job opening related to my work, based in Europe. It was started with a personal note though, “Ei Migs, you might want to check this out. I don’t know much about the hiring company, perhaps just google it.” I somehow felt that the email was sent just to have something safe to say, to renew the bond somehow, or at least to keep in touch. I didn’t feel the need to play subtle. So I dropped what I was doing and decided to give him a call.
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To All Married Gay Men

July 19th, 2007 - Posted on July 19th, 2007

To Gus, to that guy who I slept with last Friday (no, not Gus; and no we didn’t get to sleep), and to all married gay men (including those who plan to get married): this is for you.
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UP Madrigals: “I Love You, Boy!”

July 18th, 2007 - Posted on July 18th, 2007


Funny rendition of “Boy” by the U.P. Madrigal Singers (original by Timmy Cruz). Soloist singing “Boy” is a baritone – you go gurl! Haylavet! Video after the jump! Read the rest of this entry »

Dante Balboa

July 18th, 2007 - Posted on July 18th, 2007


Dante, Dante, Dante! Wooohooo!
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Four Things I Cannot Decide For You

July 18th, 2007 - Posted on July 18th, 2007

I was talking on the phone with an elderly (mid-40s) gay guy last night. Two girl friends were just too excited for me to have another “long term relationship” so they paired me up with this “tall, subtle, good looking, and very intelligent” friend of theirs (description theirs). It was a breath of fresh air, really. It’s so wonderful to talk to such learned man, so experienced, and so full of wisdom. While on the phone, I was like a young boy eager to learn, listening and sitting at his master’s feet.
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Happy Birthday, Alvey!

July 17th, 2007 - Posted on July 17th, 2007


Alvey is Alvin Alfonso, Filipino-Canadian hunk (born and raised in Canada, both parents Filipino), and he celebrated his 25th birthday just last July 15! So… Happy Birthday, Alvey! (Feeling close! Hehehe!)
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