Bishonen, a tragic HK gay story

An official selection to the 1998 Toronto Film Festival, this art-house film from celebrated photographer Yeung Fan is a gay love story of the most emotionally involved kind. Stephen Fung is Jet, a male hustler who approaches his job with the demeanor and style of a professional. All that is thrown out the window when he falls for Sam (Daniel Wu), a seemingly straight cop with a beautiful girlfriend (Shu Qi, in a short cameo). Enchanted by Sam’s beauty and quiet grace, he draws closer to him. He doesn’t mean to deceive Sam about his sexuality but he’s powerless to walk away from him. Little does he know that Sam has secrets of his own, which involve Jet’s colleague Ching (Jason Tsang) as well as a teen-idol pop star named K.S. (Terence Yin). You guessed it: they’re all gay.

Lusciously filmed, this is an interesting film that grew from an actual HK scandal about a famous photographer/playboy who was discovered to have a large cache of sexy photos - featuring young men dressed (or undressed) as policemen. That story is fictionalized as the story of Gucci (Joe Junior) who has shots of Sam and Ching in his collection.

Cast: Stephen Fung Tak-Lun, Daniel Wu, Shu Qi, Jason Tsang Chi-Yin, Terence Yin, Kenneth Tsang Kong, Jiu Ngau, Cheung Tat- Ming, Joe Junior, James Wong Jim, Michael Lam Wai-Leung, Paul Fonoroff.

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9 Responses to “Bishonen, a tragic HK gay story”

  1. June Says:

    does anyone here actually know where i could get a copy of this?

  2. spanky Says:

    im looking for a copy myself…please…anyone…tell us where to find a copy

  3. k-ram Says:

    You could buy this from any of the pirated DVD shops in various places here in Manila. However, I believe it may be quite difficult to find this. You should look carefully at those 8-in-1 or 16-in-1 DVD discs, there are those which include this film. You may also want to watch Big Eden, the french film “Come Undone” or “You’ll Get Over It”, Korean film “No Regrets”, which all have similar themes. The French film “Grand Ecole” is also fantastic.

  4. aris Says:

    got my copy from top and bottom, malate. i love this movie! knocks off “trick” from the top spot of my favorite gay art films.

  5. Danie Says:

    This film is on youtube separateed in 12 parts.
    go and see it, beacuse to order it - is a bit problematic.
    ah, btw - the film is AMAZING, but wtf they never can make it a HAPPY-END?

  6. Jay Says:

    I have an original copy…I bought it when I was in HK…nice movie…just send me an email if you want to burn it…I also have Trick, Common Ground, Happy Together, Krampack, Law of Desire (with Antonio Banderas as the bottom guy), Water Drops on Burning Rocks, etc…:)

  7. Dave Says:

    got one too. mail me if you want a copy. this movie moved me.

  8. Calvin Says:

    I read the manga (comic) of this movie… really good and really sad… but the movie itself is hard to find… even in the net… :(

  9. Paurong Says:

    i have a copy of this one.

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