I’m dating a basketball player


Why is Migs confused? Why is Migs not as active in the blogosphere these days? Read the title for the answer.

So ipagpatawad na ninyo ang lola ninyo. Lilipas din ito, pramis.

For now, let me mention some notable blog posts I read recently.

1. Swak na swak! Jun Lana is synonymous to witty. Read his latest post entitled “Heartbroken” and transform yourself into a raving fan, if not yet.
2. The saga continues — a long and winding path of CC’s gay love/sex story (telenovela ito!). CC’s the guy who plays around while his partner is away. Judge him not, he’s not a book. He’s a friend whose principles on love I do not exactly agree with, but whose friendship I treasure dearly, and protect tooth and nail.
3. PinoyCentric gives away free theater tickets to aficionados!
4. If you’re happily single, and want to feel the urge to go grab a partner, read MugenBlue’s “A Massage To Remember.”
5. I heard Coconuter has posted another set of topless pics… with abs to show. Wanna see? (Photo above is a teaser. Yes, that’s Coconuter.)

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23 Responses to “I’m dating a basketball player”

  1. Mugen Says:

    Thanks for the mention. Hehe.

  2. Will Says:

    kakaloka! :-) goodluck ah! go for the gold!

  3. Little Fish Says:

    where your HEART DESIRES.

  4. Tony Says:

    Dammit. Now I feel the need to resched my other appointment just so I can meet up with you guys later and find out more about this guy you are dating. :P

  5. GAYNGAME Says:

    ayyyy! shoot lang ng shoot! joke!

    i’m happy for u!

  6. MsNinja Says:

    Pero ako badluck sa mga varsities!
    Galit si coach! Practice kme! Shet puno lagi sked!
    Tsaka mahalay ang AND1 ha…
    Pero sarap sa kama ha, mapawis, hehehe

  7. paoloxchua Says:

    a bulge? http://bp0.blogger.com/_JjCu_PpH8dY/RratVQ0bKDI/AAAAAAAAEIs/5acplVVovoU/s1600-h/waterfalls+110.jpg

  8. webster Says:

    astig ka talaga Migs!!! Do what you have to do and then come back to us okay? hehehe

    seriously man, Go make yourself happy!!!

  9. josh Says:

    we’re happy for u migs! :)

  10. Lionheart Says:

    Nice one :)

  11. Mark Says:

    Hi, just wanted you guys to read this.. As Ernie Baron said, knowledge is power.

    In response to:

    peter Says:
    July 23rd, 2007 at 4:55 am

    i met david lastyear after i saw his pics in this blog then i finally get a chance to know him aswell as liza..we been so great and i helped them financially, god knows how much i send him twice a month then finally god show me what his real personality is…i was glad hearing those comments about him but pls try to know him very well before start getting involve financiallly

    MY COMMENT: medyo duda nako kay coconuter, when i emailed him he says “believe it or not no one is making any donations” and most of his blogs, it seems humihingi sya ng donations. So guys pls be cautious. We dont know baka he’s earning 500K / month without anyone knowing. I can post pictures as mahirap but have tons of cash. He’s not even transparent with the comments, laging waiting for approval pa. If he’s true or not, my message here is pls be cautious and vigilant.

  12. hmmm Says:

    …to add, he’s now looking for a spare laptop. i agree about what u said mark

  13. francis Says:

    i’ve met both david and liza in person, and find them both to be very nice people… you said you got involved with them “financially”? what did this involve? baka naman may hinihingi ka sa kanila na kapalit? please remember that anything of monetary worth given to david should be considered a donation and nothing else… kung tutuusin, bayad na yan sa magandang ginagawa niya para sa bansa ng pilipinas… baka naman indecent proposal yan hinihingi mong kapalit mare? wag ka sana manira ng pamilya… respect their family naman… people like you are who i warn david and liza to be cautious of… david has a few guardians, and i’m glad he is following their advice to stay away from people with bad intentions.

  14. eric Says:

    basketball player?
    ibang level!!!
    every gay guy dreams of dating a basketball player…
    parang cheska diaz ang drama ha!!!

  15. Mark Says:

    @ Francis - I think Peter was only making a good gesture of informing us, I dont see him as “naninira ng pamilya” . He makes more sense than you do.

  16. oblada Says:

    @ Francis: come on! ginagawa niya para sa bansa ng Pilipinas? get a grip and know how to differentiate a social, conceited parasite disguising as a poor person and a real social worker. all the guy does is travel and take pictures of himself for god-knows-what. what he’s doing is not even revolutionary.

  17. dyan Says:

    David really needs to find a proper job to support his young family and not rely on donations from people. if people have the means to help the needy, they don’t need to go too far. metro manila has plenty of slums with needy people going hungry everyday.

  18. gari Says:

    hi migs, gudlak sa karir. hehehe di kaya si simon atkins ang ka-date ng lolaness, kc naman magkasunud ang blogpost ha, subliminal msg. Have fun dating.

  19. Mark Says:

    I’ve been thinking a lot lately about David, the coconuter this past few days. I was thinking if he was really the man he was claiming to be. I found out he is a FAKE. After talking with him and visiting other sites, I have come to a conclusion that:

    1. He is not interested to visit places in the Philippines - I invited him to visit our province , he says yes and then pushes on with the donations, and asked me to find more people to help him financially. After 1 more of his email without yet donating, he stopped responding ( I even gave details on the beautiful tourist spots here and offered to pay their trip).

    2. He did graduate valedictorian and therefore he is smart. He is not doing this out of selfless intentions. His “golden coconut” is either being a celebrity or someone would donate him a big amount of cash.

    3. He tends to show to his followers how hard life is for him and that he may not be able to maintain his blog. However, that is why he is in the Philippines. Those were his initial expectations in becoming a nomad, weren’t they? He plays with people’s emotions. (Notice how many times he keeps on stressing that he has no money/budget on most of his blog posts)

    4. He should find a job somewhere and that was also what others said. He is a very qualified and skilled individual. Finding a job would just be a picnic task for him. Even if he has a job, people would still be interested in reading his posts — because they would always look at him as someone different. He would always be seen as the guy who left the “comforts and financial ease of living in the US” to be in the “turmoil-infested third world country”.

    It is therefore my conclusion that he is really a FAKE. Let’s just enjoy his pictures , but please donate your money to those in need. The coconuter is no superman after all.

  20. edgar Says:

    personally, i praise david for what he’s doing. he’s a hero and an inspiration to many filipinos. i don’t think he is into being a celebrity or showbiz since he’s turned down so many offers, which i’ve read from his blog. i am actually a marketing professional, and he’s turned down all my offers to dive into showbusiness. he’s a brilliant guy… more power to the coconuter, mabuhay!

  21. Mark Says:

    So being a bum and asking for donations while you have a wife and kid is what makes someone a hero and an inspiration. Are you sure you are a marketing professional?

  22. On Mr. Basketball Player | manila gay guy Says:

    […] what ever happened to my “basketball player”… I’ve kept silent since I posted about him here. Now that I’ve had enough time to analyze what has happened between me and my basketball […]

  23. bust Says:

    gahhdd is that a hard on?

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