Are You Gay? Tell Someone.

October 14th, 2007 - Posted on October 14th, 2007

Gay life is not all fun and twinkling glitters. And when one reaches some kind of brick wall, it is best he has someone to confide with. Are you gay? Please tell someone.

* * *

Bruce traveled from Florida to the Grand Canyon where, at No Name Point, a 450-foot jump put an end to his life. A short note identified the reason for his death:

Dear Family and Friends,

I’m sorry it had to end this way but it was my fate. I couldn’t handle life anymore. You see, the reason I ran away before to commit suicide is the same reason I did again. I’m gay. I never wanted to be and I always wished it would change, but it didn’t.

I wanted to live a normal life but God created me this way for some reason and there was nothing I could do to change it. I was born this way. Believe me, I would not choose this way of life for I know how hard and unaccepted it is.

I’m painfully sorry you all had to deal with this, but I couldn’t deal with it. This way, I could live a peaceful afterlife instead of a life of fear, agony, and manic depressiveness.

Please realize, I did not want to hurt anyone. I just wanted to end my own pain. I love you all dearly and will someday see you all again hopefully with your understanding hearts and souls. I just hope God will bring me to heaven.

Love always and eternally,

* * *

After Bruce’s body was discovered, his mom wrote the following letter:
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Shirtless James Zablan

October 14th, 2007 - Posted on October 14th, 2007

There are people who need skillful photographers to look great in pictures. I believe James Zablan is one of them. Anyhow, here’s James Zablan, shirtless.
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The Actor, The Basketball Player, and The Blogger

October 13th, 2007 - Posted on October 13th, 2007

I would like to tell you a story with 3 characters: The Actor, The Basketball Player, and The Blogger. After reading, let me know your thoughts, okay?

* * *

The Actor and The Blogger have just started becoming serious about their relationship. Both have admitted that they have feelings for each other, yet since they were looking at a possible long-term relationship, the agreement was to take it slow, no need to rush the decision to commit.

The Basketball Player was the guy The Blogger was dating before he met The Actor. In the context of being fair to The Basketball Player who has continued to keep in touch despite their agreement that they should start dating other guys, The Blogger informed The Basketball Player about The Actor. The Blogger admitted to The Basketball Player: “The Actor and I are getting ‘there’. It’s a matter of time.”

The Basketball Player was distressed.
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Calling All Bloggers!

October 12th, 2007 - Posted on October 12th, 2007


PinoyCentric and Manila Gay Guy, with the help of Gibbs Cadiz, are inviting 20 bloggers to “Theater Talk Atbp,” with multi-awarded writer-director Floy Quintos. This informal, animated, and interactive chikahan session on theater appreciation will be on October 27, Saturday, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the PLDT/Smart Exhibition Hall of the PETA Theater Center on 5 Sunnyside Drive, New Manila, Quezon City.

This is a rare opportunity for bloggers to learn from someone who has had extensive experience in theater, television, show business, and the arts.
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Dion Ignacio Dons New Skin

October 11th, 2007 - Posted on October 11th, 2007

Presenting… a photo gallery of how Dion Ignacio has transformed… from so-so Starstruckster to sizzling super stud! Take it away, Dion!
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Look Beyond Our Differences

October 11th, 2007 - Posted on October 11th, 2007


‘Much of life can never be explained but only witnessed.

- Rachel Naomi Remen, MD

NAIROBI (AFP) - A baby hippopotamus that survived the tsunami waves on the Kenyan coast has formed a strong bond with a giant male century-old tortoise in an animal facility in the port city of Mombassa, officials said.
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I Am Lucky To Be Gay

October 11th, 2007 - Posted on October 11th, 2007

Beaming Gav, an MGG reader, writes in an email I received today:

I feel lucky to be gay. My homosexuality drove me from mediocrity to excellence. Why do I say that? Let me start by saying that I come from a family of modest accomplishments. I truly believe we were just not blessed with genes to be above-average. But consider this: I was a scholar since high school, graduated cum laude from UP Diliman, and now a manager in a big multinational company, earning more than Php 1M annually, all at 26 years old. I believe all these accomplishments were not because I was exceptional — because I am not. It was because of this: I was driven. Driven to show the world that I am not just gay. I was driven to show the world I was successful, hoping that the glare of success would blind them from the fact that I am gay. But now I realize I shouldn’t even exert too much effort to hide my homosexuality. With that realization, I celebrate it, my gayness, as my driving force to be where I am now. Yes, I am indeed lucky to be gay.

Good job, Gav! I share that positive frame of mind. Mabuhay ang mga bading!

Thank you and World Peace!

Mike Tan, Dion Ignacio, Kevin Santos

October 10th, 2007 - Posted on October 10th, 2007


I still haven’t gotten hold of the new X-ray 2008 Calendar featuring GMA7’s The Studs. Anyway, here are sample pics.
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