Why so negative, Philippines?

Was scanning through the news at Yahoo Philippines, and guess what I found as headlines?

• Philippines sprays chemicals in desperate effort to…
• Fresh fighting erupts in Philippine south
• Ship for Philippine spill cleanup delayed
• Philippine oil slick threatens rich fishing grounds

Bad News Philippines

OMG - so super negative! To non-Filipinos reading this, you know what, it really ain’t that bad here. Maybe not intentionally but the media doesn’t do a good job in showing the whole picture. If I were you, visit Good News Pilipinas, an anti-dote site for all the negative buzz on the country.

And may I suggest, to all gay guys out there — let’s help lift our country naman even through our small, gay and merry ways. Why not visit an orphanage? Or build a gay-themed village through Gawad Kalinga? Oh, I can just imagine the fancy decors we will put there! Such a great idea! Let me know if you really want to do that — I’ll join,promise!

Kisses to all, and please spread goodness, kindness, and love, in all its forms!

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