Recently Singled Ryan and K-Fed


Now for some Hollywood hullabaloo, we just recently saw how Britney and Reese seemed to have synched up and dumped their hubbies at the same time. While Reese and Britney are being pounded by paparazzis and press people with this new development, we can turn our attention to their recently singled men: Ryan Phillippe and Kevin Federline.

kevin_federline.jpg Have you seen K-Fed’s swinging pendulum? Go to this post and enjoy the swing-swing bob as K-Fed walks to his car.

Now, let’s get to Ryan…





rayn-phillippe2.jpg Singled Ryan and K-Fed  digg:Recently Singled Ryan and K-Fed  spurl:Recently Singled Ryan and K-Fed  newsvine:Recently Singled Ryan and K-Fed  furl:Recently Singled Ryan and K-Fed  reddit:Recently Singled Ryan and K-Fed  fark:Recently Singled Ryan and K-Fed  Y!:Recently Singled Ryan and K-Fed


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5 Responses to “Recently Singled Ryan and K-Fed”

  1. tonyboy Says:

    i’m glad he divorced reese. while married parang nawala ang identity nya and even his physical appeal. i hope he’ll regain them.

  2. andrew Says:

    Ano kayang ginagawa ni K-Fed dito? Supi! Haha!

  3. harajuku Says:

    k lang. di ko kasi type yang kevin na yan.. feeling hip hop..

  4. Calvin Says:

    i really have the hots for ryan philippe! man he is so hot and handsome! ;) cruel intentions are really my kind of films! naughty! ;)

  5. SweTTy Says:

    love ko sya!!!!! talaga from the very start pa lng!!

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