Podcast: Bad Boy vs. Good Boy

May 9th, 2007 - Posted on May 9th, 2007


This is the very first podcast a la “Joe D’ Mango” Gay Edition, featuring 2 guest podcasters, Gibbs Cadiz and Joel McVie. The first part introduces Gibbs and McVie, and we talk about blogging, something common among us 3. The second part of the podcast is where I read a letter from Duncan, an MGG reader from Sydney, Australia, who asked for advice on who to choose — his incumbent “bad boy” boyfriend, or a new “good boy” guy he met recently. The third and last part has Gibbs and McVie share their comments and suggestions to Duncan, while in the end I share my own views as well. We got too excited in putting this podcast together that it went a bit overtime, to about half-an-hour length. Do enjoy listening in, and please share your thoughts for Duncan as well!

To listen to the podcast… Read the rest of this entry »

Derek Ramsey’s Unguarded Moments

May 8th, 2007 - Posted on May 8th, 2007


Have you seen pictures of yourself during unguarded moments? Those moments when you didn’t know someone was watching and immortalizing your moves in pictures… If you have, I bet, you noticed something a little different in those pics than in those where you actually posed. Perhaps those things you notice are the ones other people actually see but you are not aware of. Go ahead and rummage your albums — look for pictures that immortalize your unguarded moments, it will be fun discovering yourself in a different way! Meanwhile, here are photos of Derek Ramsey’s unguarded moments. Hunk pa din! Hehehe!
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Tyron Perez, in Tiny Thong

May 7th, 2007 - Posted on May 7th, 2007

It’s been a while since I featured cutie boy turned hunk Tyron Perez. I recently saw pics of Tyron, courtesy of the legendary Puri Titiwang… and I can’t help but feature those here. Warning: NSFW (not safe for work)… cheers to male pulchritude!

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Gay Idol: Ricky Reyes (2)

May 6th, 2007 - Posted on May 6th, 2007

If the first part of the i-Witness documentary on Ricky Reyes interested you, might as well check out the rest of the episode. I tell you, while I do not necessarily agree with all his pronouncements, I definitely admire this gay guy’s wisdom and determination. Continue on for the rest of the episodes… Read the rest of this entry »

Gay Idol: Ricky Reyes

May 5th, 2007 - Posted on May 5th, 2007

In this first part of the i-Witness documentary featuring Ricky Reyes, ang Parlorista ng Bayan, ang “Mader ng Ganda”, Ricky teaches Howie Severino (docu writer and host) how to cut hair. Ricky delivers the message: “Lahat ng tao kaya mag-gupit.”

His 39 Ricky Reyes salons, 3 Ricky Reyes Learning Institutes, and most recently, the Reyes Haircutters franchise empire (joint project with his youngest sibling, Les Reyes.) are testaments to Ricky Reyes’s astounding business success. Les, his brother, says about Ricky, “Gay siya pero mas lalake pa siya sa ibang lalake, when it comes to decision making.” RR employs more than 1,000 employees many of whom are gays. In one lecturette one can see his genuine and personal concern for his people when he addresses them: “Mga bakla, lalake yan… wag ninyong sabihining talo kayo niyan sa ka-etchosan, dapat kayong mga bading ang mas etchosera kaysa sa mga lalake.”

Watch this first part of the Ricky Reyes feature on i-Witness… video up ahead. Read the rest of this entry »

Gay Idol: Vanessa (2)

May 4th, 2007 - Posted on May 4th, 2007

(Continued from Gay Idol: Vanessa.)

29042007218.jpg Some years back, while Vanessa was accompanying a friend to audition in an ABS-CBN show, he was spotted by Marc Logan. Vanessa was brought to Marc’s office where he was asked to sing. To Vanessa’s amazement, while he was singing per Marc Logan’s request, some ABS-CBN bigwigs (Noli de Castro, Korina Sanchez, etc.) took notice of the beautiful voice that was emanating from Marc’s office. Read the rest of this entry »

Angelo Bryce, Fita Boy

May 4th, 2007 - Posted on May 4th, 2007


I chanced upon a site where Benilde folks chat about this cutie eye candy named Angelo Bryce… then I saw the pics. Hmmm… cute alright. I heard he was in the Fita Commercial, as well as in a Pancit Canton commercial, but since I have not had the chance to really watch enough TV, I have not seen those ads. Here’s Angelo, brought to you by self-confessed TV-ignoramus Migs… hehehe!
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Gay Idol: Vanessa

May 4th, 2007 - Posted on May 4th, 2007


Amidst the featured delicious hunks, feverish forum for gay issues, and a bunch of gay-related love and relationship concerns, the Manila Gay Guy brings you this rare feature: Vanessa!

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