Poisonous, poisonous heart

Daniel Wu plays the Crown Prince in “The Banquet”

In the movie “The Banquet,” two separate scenes repeated the same lines, and yes, this was obviously to empasize a point. The first scene had the crown prince (Daniel Wu) and a Chinese ermitanyo. The crown prince was holding a vial of very strong poison made of some poisonous herbs and powdered scorpion, concocted by the ermitanyo. Their conversation ran:

“Is there anything more poisonous than this?” the crown prince asks.

“The human heart.” answers the ermitanyo.

In the other scene, it was the Empress (Zhang Ziyi) who was in the ermitanyo’s house. She asked the same question, and got the same answer. Is there anything more poisonous than this? The human heart.

How come? The heart is supposedly the abode of love and everything good. When does it turn toxic, poisonous? I have no personal experience of this…. but let me venture some guesses:
* when betrayed
* when abused
* to survive

What else trigger a heart to turn into poison?

Technorati Tags: the banquet, zhang ziyi, ziyi zhang, movies

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One Response to “Poisonous, poisonous heart”

  1. onicotto Says:

    Ganda ng production design ng lintik na movie na to.

    Daniel Wu does not own carry the eye candy scepter solo though. Watch out for Huang Xiaoming (General Yin) ;)

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