Befriending an ex-boyfriend

Many opinions float when the question about befriending an ex-boyfriend is asked. A lot of those I’ve heard and read hinge their answer on the nature of the break-up. If the break-up is good, why not, they say. If the break-up is bad, why bother? Break-ups are, more often than not, bad. Thus it follows that most ex-boyfriends end up strangers to each other.


I am an idealist, if you have not figured out yet, so expect that my opinion is on the side of the possibility of being friends with one’s ex. How? I am not an expert, but based on the argument above, it may help to desire for a good breakup (an oxymoron?). I do think that however difficult and perhaps uncontrollable a break-up is, one can still be proactive about it.


Again, how? I can only offer this advice: don’t wait for the relationship to rot and get to a point of no option — stop and cut the relationship before respect for each other runs out. This takes a lot of head-over-the-heart discipline, something quite rare in the realm of romantic relationships. I also believe only those who have a minimum of self-knowledge can attempt to do this.

Of course all these are just my thoughts. How about you? What do you think? an ex-boyfriend  digg:Befriending an ex-boyfriend  spurl:Befriending an ex-boyfriend  newsvine:Befriending an ex-boyfriend  furl:Befriending an ex-boyfriend  reddit:Befriending an ex-boyfriend  fark:Befriending an ex-boyfriend  Y!:Befriending an ex-boyfriend


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6 Responses to “Befriending an ex-boyfriend”

  1. mandayamoore Says:

    i have the same problem. can u silip my blog and give payo?


  2. ghysevert Says:

    I’m for cutting all ties with exes. It’s less complicated that way.

  3. Ghel Says:

    Wag na lang, tama na yung sakit.

    Marami namang friends dyan…

  4. Alex Says:

    wow!!! ka-relate naman ako. lolz.
    same is true, depende sa break-up pero most of the time “bad” talaga ang ending ng break-up.
    in my case, we broke-up and we became friends, ang masaya pa nito, whenever we feel like doing it (sex) ginagawa namin. Pero siyempre this time walang attachement and commitment. Naging advantage pa yata. hahaha

  5. tito arms Says:

    im still seeing my ex once in a while. ewan ko parang ang hirap tanggihan yung invitation though alam mo na meron ng iba. until now after meeting him i still feel the pain. 3 years!!!!!

  6. geof Says:

    All I can say is,”Hindi ako nagrerecycle ng basura!”

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