Are You On MyBlogLog?

May 28th, 2007 - Posted on May 28th, 2007


Are you a blogger with a MyBlogLog account? Well, I am too! Add me up as a contact, or join my community! Thanks!

Good Morning!

May 28th, 2007 - Posted on May 28th, 2007


A refreshing morning greeting, with Einar Ingebrigsten as your first cup of steaming black coffee! Have a great week ahead everyone! World Peace! (By the way, Miss Universe today! Hehehe!)

Migs Loves Manila

May 28th, 2007 - Posted on May 28th, 2007

In my blog hopping today, I chanced upon Rye’s patriotic post, an excerpt of which reminded me of how I love Manila, how I love this country the Philippines — and so I quote below:

Manila is dirty and crowded and noisy and polluted. You can practically smell, taste, hear, see and feel poverty everywhere. But all that is part of Manila’s charm … Because that’s what makes you realize how poor a nation we really are. And yet, we are among the happiest peoples in the world. And then you ask yourself why and how we are able to do that. But there are no answers. We just are.

Let it then be written in the annals of history how Migs, the Manila Gay Guy, while loving cute chinito boys and hunks of all kinds also loves its country and its people. That, and World Peace.

Podcast: Coming Out, part 3

May 27th, 2007 - Posted on May 27th, 2007

This is the 3rd and last part of our Coming Out podcast, recorded by the Troikasters Gibbs, McVie, and yours truly. Here we feature a guest podcaster, RG Boy, who shares his issues on coming out to his family. RG Boy is also a blogger at GayNGame, and was previously featured in a previous MGG post.

To listen… Read the rest of this entry »

Bronzed Enchong Dee

May 27th, 2007 - Posted on May 27th, 2007


And my Enchong is growing fine — building those muscles thread by thread, lump by lump, oh so gradually. Pa-guwapo ng pa-guwapo ang binatilyo! Haaay… Enchong, whatever they say (mabuti nga if you’re really actually gay) you’ll always have a special place in my lustful heart, hahaha!

It’s Raining… Men in Undies!

May 27th, 2007 - Posted on May 27th, 2007


Indeed, the rainy season has begun — and in MGG, we celebrate it by splashing more pictures of men onto our fabulous pages! After Lem, MGG brings you (once again) Century Superbod 2006 Winner, Jon Mullaly!
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Lem Pelayo’s Undies

May 26th, 2007 - Posted on May 26th, 2007


Which undies do you like on Lem Pelayo?
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Podcast: Coming Out, part 2

May 25th, 2007 - Posted on May 25th, 2007

This is the continuation of the Coming Out podcast with the Troikasters (Troika Podcasters), Gibbs, Mcvie, and yours truly. Tackled in this part are:

>> Migs shares 2 coming out experiences.

>> Reconciling homosexuality and religion.

>> Why would any gay man come out? What could be their motivation?

>> Coming out as the more moral choice.

>> When is coming out pointless?

>> Family pressure, and excuses when they ask “Why are you not married yet?”

>> Coming out as a universal experience among gays.

>> It’s unfair to expect our family to instantaneously accept us as gay.

>> Should all gay men come out?

>> The benefits of coming out.

>> Tips on how to “strategically” come out.

>> Are gays anti-family? Gay men as the best family men.

>> Dealing with straight guys’ reactions to your coming out.

To listen to the podcast… Read the rest of this entry »

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