Reggie Curley’s Striptease

February 20th, 2007 - Posted on February 20th, 2007


Wanna see model-turned-actor Reggie Curley do a striptease? Your wish is my command! Hehehe! He’s such a papable daddy-daddy! (Don’t you think his pic above is so vintage? Hehe!)
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Eavesdropping on William Thio

February 20th, 2007 - Posted on February 20th, 2007

William Thio

On a flight from Manila to San Francisco, I saw a familiar face in the plane some rows away… after some time I recognized him. It was William Thio! I thought his Damayan stint on NBN Channel 4 was over until I chanced upon eavesdropping on him when we were disembarking. A chikadera flight attendant was chatting with him, and the conversation I overheard was something like this: Read the rest of this entry »

Rainier and Mark, show ‘em!

February 19th, 2007 - Posted on February 19th, 2007


Rainer Castillo and Mark Herras, local teen stars, show us all how liberating it is to be gay and happy! Hahaha! Just kidding around…!
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Doug Kramer, sexy baller

February 19th, 2007 - Posted on February 19th, 2007


While the current trend for hunks call for lean, ripped, almost-skinny bodies, I still go for the chunky, malaman types, much like Doug Kramer’s. Doug is an Atenean hunky basketball star who’s got a fair share of modelling career on the side.

Tell me, you want more of Doug’s sexy, shirtless pictures, right?
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MGG is bookmarked in NYC!

February 19th, 2007 - Posted on February 19th, 2007

Jo, one of this site’s readers, reports:

MGG’s bookmarked in NEW YORK CITY!!! Migs, your blogsite must be really popular. I’m currently stuck in almost a feet of snow here in 7th Ave, New York City and entered one of the biggest internet cafe this side of the world (per Guiness BWR and kung di ako pumasok I’ll freeze to death outside). When I started surfing, napansin ko, naka BOOKMARK ang Manilagayguy. Haha, nakakaloka. I moved to another PC, and guess what, naka bookmark pa rin ang MGG. I’m proud of you Migs and I’m glad to contribute as a respondent. Go Girl and keep it up!!! Mabuhay ang Pilipinong Bading!!!

I echo, “Mabuhay ang Pilipinong Bading!” — and dare add, from the bottom of my heart: WORLD PEACE! Mwahs to all! (Thanks Jo!)

Baron Geisler and “switching back”

February 18th, 2007 - Posted on February 18th, 2007


While having coffee at Starbucks, a friend shocked me with a little secret: Baron Geisler was once experimenting with the gay lifestyle but has since “switched back” to being straight. Interesting nugget of chismis. I don’t really know if it’s true… anyone here who knows a bit more about Baron?

- o -

Interestingly, another gay friend, let’s call him Marc, has recently decided to get back with his former girlfriend and “switch back” to being straight. Marc has since minimized contact with us his gay friends and is trying his best to focus on enjoying his straight relationship. A lot of our friends are skeptical, but I tell them this: Let’s just wait and see… and try to give Marc the benefit of the “daw.” Hahahaha!

- o -

For an interesting discussion, what do you think of “switching back”? Do you know of anyone (or maybe yourself) who has tried “switching” from gay to straight? Is it really possible? Share your stories!

Mr. World Philippines 2007 Winners

February 18th, 2007 - Posted on February 18th, 2007


Hunky moreno, 6′3″ stunner Emmanuel Mago was proclaimed Mr. World Philippines 2007 during the pageant finals last night, February 17, 2007. He will compete with more than 50 gorgeous men from the same number of countries in the 2007 Mr. World contest to be held on March 31, 2007 in Sanya, China.


About Emmanuel: He’s more known as “Coach Bhobby” to his peers and the members of the junior basketball team at Emilio Aguinaldo College, where he is also pursuing a BS Management degree. According to him, teaching kids how to play basketball is his passion. “I love training kids because I see a lot of enthusiasm and potential in them,” he admits. When he’s not busy making play-by-play strategies for his team, he relaxes by creating his own design templates. Bhobby is eager to eventually cross the line to become a professional basketball coach.

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Don Mendoza in Manhunt 2007

February 17th, 2007 - Posted on February 17th, 2007


Yes, dears, our bet to Manhunt 2007 did not come home with the prize. But no worries! That does not make our Don Mendoza less desirable, does it? See Don in action at Manhunt International 2007!
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