Manila has 10 million people


I just heard from Kris Aquino’s trivia game show, Game K N B? that Manila has more than 10 million people. Wow. Now, according to some rough statistics, at least 10% of any male group is gay (in some cases, it can be much higher, like my MBA class!). Given this, if 5 million of the 10 million are men, then there would be at least half a million gay men in Manila. It’s raining gay men!!! Wooohooo! Life is good. has 10 million people  digg:Manila has 10 million people  spurl:Manila has 10 million people  newsvine:Manila has 10 million people  furl:Manila has 10 million people  reddit:Manila has 10 million people  fark:Manila has 10 million people  Y!:Manila has 10 million people


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2 Responses to “Manila has 10 million people”

  1. Alan Says:

    Where were all these men when I was in town ten years ago?!

  2. manila gay guy Says:

    probably in their elementary schools, making tasa their yellow mongols. hehehe! just kiddin’ alan! but seriously, i also notice how the manila men are getting handsomer and handsomer! you should come back!

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